
Privacy Policy

What Type of Information Does Cordoba PM Collect?

We may collect the following information;

  • Current/ previous address, Contact info,
  • Social insurance number,
  • Date of birth,
  • Gender,
  • Employment information,
  • Income information,
  • Credit history and bank information.
  • For business clients,
  • Information recorded may include name(s) of Owner(s),
  • Officer(s) and Director(s) and social insurance number(s).

We Collect, Use and Disclose Personal Information to:

  • To identify and communicate with you
    To establish eligibility for tenancy
  • To assess creditworthiness
  • To process payments
  • To enable us to respond to emergency situations
  • To ensure the orderly management of the rental and commercial properties entrusted to our care.
  • To comply with all relevant legislation

Your Consent

With out your consent we will not collect, disclose, or use your collected information except where authorized or required by law. We will only request the information that we need for the purposes that we have identified to you. You may withdraw the above consent upon receipt of reasonable and written notice. However, contractual or legal restrictions may override any such request.

How We Protect Your Information

We are committed to protecting you personal information and ensuring that it remain secure. This includes information that is transferred to a third party service provider. The only information that we will transfer to others is that which may be required for that particular task. We will need you cooperation in keeping our records of your information up to date. We request that any changes in personal information that we have collected be transmitted to us as soon as possible.

Your Right of Access to Your Personal Information
You have the right to review any of the information that we have collected about you. You also have the right to know:

  • The methods by which we collected the information
  • The purposes for which we are using the information, and
  • To whom the information has been disclosed

If you believe that any of the information that we have collected about you is inaccurate or incomplete you have the right to ask us to change it.